tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 19 16:43:57 2003

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Re: QongDaqDaq

qurgh wrote:

>tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' 'ej 'e' tob SuStel!

{'ej} is not used when using {'e'} to link clauses:

   tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' 'e' tob SuStel!
   Sustel proved that I can't speak Klingon.

At least, we've never seen it used this way in the many examples we 
have.  If you want, make it into two sentences:

   tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe'.  'ej 'e' tob SuStel!
   I can't speak Klingon.  And Sustel proved that!

>Hmmm... how do I get across the idea that SuStel proved my belief and he
>is done proving it if I can't put a type 7 on a second verb? It's not my
>not being able to speak that has finished happening, it's the proving...
>    blah blah 'ej 'e' tobpu' SuStel <= Wrong?
>If 'e' is just a pronoun, in a seperate sentance, why can't I put a type 7
>on a verb in the sentence with it?

The short answer is that this is one of those rules that you have to 
accept.  The longer answer is that {'e'} is not "just" a pronoun, but is 
also a type of conjunction when it forms a sentence-as-object (SAO).

Now Okrand writes in TKD that "In complex sentences of this type, the 
second verb never takes an aspect suffix" (p. 66).  Now it's just possible 
- and this is just an idea I'm throwing out - that you can indeed say:

   'e' tobpu' SuStel.
   Sustel has proven that.

since this by itself is *not* a complex sentence, merely a simple sentence 
which is not part of a SAO construction.  If so, {'e'} is just a pronoun 
here.  So, you could either say

   tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' 'e' tob SuStel.
   Sustel proved that I can't speak Klingon.


   tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe'.  'ej 'e' tobpu' SuStel!
   I can't speak Klingon.  And Sustel has proven that!

If this isn't kosher, try using {-bej} "definitely, undoubtedly, certainly" 
to add the emphasis you're after:

   tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe' 'e' tobbej SuStel.
   Sustel certainly proved that I can't speak Klingon.

A more idiomatic, non-literal translation of this might be:

   Sustel has indeed proven that I can't speak Klingon.

Voragh                            "Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon 
- that's
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      hard!"                  (Montgomery 
Scott, STIV)

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