tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 18 16:49:27 2003

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Re: parmaqqay vs bang

naHQun asks:
>>Also, to say something like "chocolate milk" would one say
>><yuch nIm> or <nIm yuch>?

>I would say <yuch nIm>.  As some on this list express the nature of the 
>noun-noun construct, of all milks, this is the one having to do with chocolate.

That's right.  {yuch nIm} "chocolate milk" is a type of {nIm}, while {nIm 
yuch} "milk chocolate" would be a type of {yuch}.  Here are examples of how 
this works using the two trusty Klingon words {taj} "knife" and {HIq} 
"liquor" - of which there are several known varieties:

ghojmeH taj        boy's knife ("learning knife")
pe'meH taj         cutting knife
may' taj           battle knife
naH taj            vegetable/fruit knife
SoS taj            mother's knife

cha'vatlh ben HIq  Two Century Old Ale
ghargh HIq         worm wine
romuluS HIq        Romulan ale
Sorya' HIq         Saurian brandy
'Iw HIq            bloodwine
reghuluS 'Iw HIq   Regulan bloodwine

Voragh                            "Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon 
- that's
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      hard!"                  (Montgomery 
Scott, STIV)

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