tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 17 14:00:34 2003

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Re: Names of digits

At 12:59 PM 2/17/2003 -0600, Voragh wrote:

>In the same article, Okrand also introduced {rIl} "play (a wind 
>instrument)", which he explained as being a brass technique, not a flute 
>technique, and most typically used with {gheb} "horn (musical instrument)" 
>as its object.
>Is there some horn technique that involves thumbing {rIl} a hole?

Ah yes, now I remember... someone on the list had pointed out that {gheb 
rIl} sounds like "Gabriel", the trumpet-playing archangel. However, this 
still doesn't explain why {Sen} is usually used by adults, and {rIl} by 
children. So maybe there's yet another pun hidden.

- taD

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