tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Feb 09 11:11:30 2003

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Re: parmaqqay bomvaD

>>parmaqqay bomvaD
>Since I assume you mean "a song for (my) love" and not "a love for (my) 
>song", I suggest <parmaqqayvaD bom>.  You may even want to explicitly state 
>that it is for your love, <parmaqqaywI'vaD bom>.

Let me clarify something about my explanation:  Technically, you can't uses 
a Type 5 suffix on the first noun in a noun-noun construction, so as it 
stands, this is ungrammatical.  However, it may be acceptable in poetry 
(especially if it is short for something like, <parmaqqayvaD bom vIqon>), 
since we know that in many languages the rules of grammar are often 
stretched in poetry (the most famous example in Klingon is probably 

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