tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 07 15:01:22 2003

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Re: Tao Te Ching Chp. 12

'ISqu' wrote:
>mIn leghHa'moH rItlh nguvqu'[A].
>teS QoyHa'moH wab chuSqu'.
>jat mumHa'moH Soj tlhorghqu'.
>yab QubHa'moH chon 'Iqqu'.
>tIq jotHa'moH mIp 'Iqqu'.
>vaj DujDaj voq yajchu'wI', mInDaj voqHa'.
>DujDaj qIm, mInDaj qImHa'.
>Too much [B] color dazzles the eye.
>Too much noise deafens the ear.
>Too much flavor deadens the taste.
>Excessive hunting disturbs the mind.
>Excessive wealth disquiet the heart.
>Therefore the sage trusts his instincts, not his eyes.
>He heeds the former, ignores the latter.
>[A]: I realize that the emphatic rover {-qu'} is "usually translated as 
>'very' " (TKD, p.49).  However, it would seem that before we discovered 
>{'Iq} and {tlhoy}, {-qu'} was occasionly used in the sense of "too (=to an 
>excessive degree)":
>      tera'ngaDvaD romuluS HIq jabQo'. HoSghajqu'.
>      They won't serve Romulan ale to Terrans. Too potent. [CK]

More examples for those interested:

Most difficult. ST5

bortaS nIvqu' 'oH bortaS'e'
Revenge is the best revenge. TKW

'etlh QorghHa'lu'chugh ragh 'etlh nIvqu' 'ej jejHa'choH
Even the best blade will rust and grow dull unless it is cared for. TKW

Heghlu'DI' mobbe'lu'chugh QaQqu' Hegh wanI'
Death is an experience best shared. TKW

yIntaHbogh qagh jablu'DI' reH nIvqu' qagh
Gagh is always best when served live. TKW

'ejyo' luch rurbe'qu' tlhIngan Duj luch.
Klingon starship design is vastly different from Starfleet technology. SP3

HoS law'qu' luch law'qu' je lo' Duj nuH pat Hub pat je
A huge amount of the ship's power and technology is devoted to its weapons 
grid and defensive systems. SP3

qorDu' SaHlu'chugh 'ej matlhlu'chugh vaj wa' tlhIngan ghob potlhqu'
devotion and loyalty to family is one of the most important Klingon 
virtues. S13

HoS law'qu' natlhmo' So'wI'
Due to the tremendous energy drain of a cloaking device... S33

Voragh                            "Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon 
- that's
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      hard!"                  (Montgomery 
Scott, STIV)

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