tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 06 10:52:58 2003

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Waiting for Things

I'm pretty sure this is wrong:

jIHvaD juH lungevqangchugh vIghoj 'e' vIloSlI'

The intention is:

"I'm waiting to find out if they're willing to sell the home to me."

I'm pretty confident that "I'm waiting for..." is { 'e' vIloSlI' } but
it's the phrasing of "to learn/find out if..." I'm not so sure about.

Maybe this would be better:

jIHvaD juH lungevqang 'e' vIghoj 'e' vIloSlI'

"I'm waiting to learn that they are willing to sell me the house."

But that sounds to me like the outcome is too definite...  Ideas?  Or have
I got it?


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