tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 03 16:56:44 2003

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Kliflash For Windows

I've just uploaded the latest version of my Kliflash 
computerized Klingon vocabulary program.  This one is 
called Kliflash For Windows, ver. 1.0, and it replaces 
the DOS Kliflash v. 5.x I released in 2001. Features

- full Windows environment, with multitasking, mouse
support, etc.
- the wordlist has been updated through Nov, 2002.
- you can display menus and word challenges in pIqaD.

It will work on any Win 95/98/XP machine. As always,
if you're using a prior version of Kliflash, you can
merge the new words with the old without losing any
of your study scores or notes.

Kliflash is freeware, and is not affiliated with Viacom,
Paramount or the Klingon Language Institute.

You can find Kliflash at

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or
comments about Kliflash.

-- ter'eS

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