tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 26 12:20:44 2003

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Tao Te Ching Chp. 35


qech'a' Dalajchugh vaj DughoS qo' Hoch.
DughoS 'ej QIH SIQbe'.
yonchoH, jotchoH 'ej Qob tu'be'.
QoQmo' Sojmo' [A] je yev lengwI'pu'
'ach mIw'a' DelmeH jatlhlu':
tlhorghHa'; 'oH mummeH DuHbe'.
DabejDI' DaleghmeH yapbe'.
Da'IjDI' DaQoymeH yapbe'.
'a Dalo'DI' DanatlhmeH DuHbe'. [B]


Embrace the great idea and the whole world will come to you.
It'll come to you and suffer no harm.
It'll find no peril but contentment and peace.
Travelers stop for food and for music.
Yet it is said of Tao
That it is tasteless and bland.
When you look at it, there's not enough of it to see.
When you listen to it, there's not enough of it to hear.
Yet, when you use it, you can't use it up.

[A] Perhaps it should be {QoQvaD SojvaD je}

[B] The last line may be a little confusing for the reader in that the 
unexpressed subject of {DuHbe'} is unspecified (IT is impossible for you to 
use Tao up) whereas the unexpressed subject of {yapbe'} in the previous two 
lines was {mIw'a'}. However, I'd rather retain the rhythm and the rhyme than 
change the last line to something like {Dalo'DI' DuHbe' DanatlhmeH Qu'.}


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