tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 24 19:13:19 2003

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Re: KLBC how smooth...

Am 24.04.2003 13:18:34, schrieb "Tree d'Eris" <[email protected]>:

>mu'meylIjmo' qathlo'. 


>What resources do I posess?- TKD, TKW, KGT, TGD, both 
>tapes, random downloads from the Klingonska Akademien, and now the postal 
>course, HolQeD and this forum. I tracked down TGD before I'd heard of the 
>KLI - do I get a prize for being keen?

You have almost everything you need to learn klingon. The only thing missing in the list would be the KlingonCD. *smile*
You really don't /need/ that, you certainly have enough to start. Now go ahead and read those books over and over again... ;-)

>Can I get round the nominalizer problem with Habchu'ghach?

Yes this works. But with this sufix, the meaning changes from "smooth-ness" to "perfectly-smooth-ness".

>ie Habchu'ghach 'ar ghaj SoSlI' Quch
>or is that still asking for a quantitative reply?
The good thing is, that it's grammatically correct. BUT, it means literally 
"How much perfect smoothness does your mother's forehead have?"

Yes, this is still asking for a quantity, that's how {'ar} works.

>I am looking for formulaic responses that start as close as possible to - 
>Your mothers forehead is SO smooth that..

Is that what you want to translate?
"Your mother's forehead is so smooth, that a Targ thinks he can eat it."

That's another approach, I'd say.
I'll leave this for discussion, I'll be away for the weekend, celebrating the QI'lop on Qo'nos.

See you next week,

Beginners' Grammrian
  ghojwI'pu'wI' vISaH

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