tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 24 14:18:10 2003

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tam naDev...

tlhoy tamchoH naDev jISengbe'taHvIS!  :)  wIghoHmeH qech chu'
wIghajnIS'a'?  maja'chuqqa'meH qech Daj chuplaH'a' vay'?

"It gets way too quiet here when I'm not causing trouble!  Do we need to
have something new to argue?  Can anyone suggest an interesting idea so we
can resume our discussion?"

Note:  I used /wIghoHmeH/ instead of /maghoHmeH/ because I think the
English clause "to argue" actually has an implied object of 'it' (in this
case, 'something new')...  Another way to look at the English would be if
it was "Do we need to have a new topic so that we can dispute it (that
topic)?"  I think the use of /wI-/ is justified since I have a specific
object for the dispute implied through context...  Maybe this is something
to discuss?  ;)


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