tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 24 08:30:00 2003

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Re: re:KLBC how smooth...

From: "Tree d'Eris" <[email protected]>

> Can I get round the nominalizer problem with Habchu'ghach?
> ie Habchu'ghach 'ar ghaj SoSlI' Quch
> or is that still asking for a quantitative reply?

"How much complete smoothness does your mother's forehead have?"

Well, if it's complete smoothness, then you apparently already know how much
it is!  Yes, /'ar/ always asks for a quantitative reply.

> I am looking for formulaic responses that start as close as possible to -
> Your mothers forehead is SO smooth that..

Formulaic responses are usually inappropriate for varied contexts.

If you're looking for "Your mother's forehead is SO smooth that . . . ," you
don't want "how smooth?" at all.

Habqu'mo' SoSlI' Quch . . . .
Because your mother's forehead is very smooth . . . .

As in this dialogue:

tlhIngan wa': SoSlI' vIleghpu'.  Habqu'mo' QuchDaj . . . .
Klingon 1: I've seen your mother.  Because her forhead is so smooth . . . .

tlhIngan cha': Habqu'mo' qaS nuq?  (tlhIngan wa' buQ tlhIngan cha'.)
Klingon 2: Because it's so smooth, what happens?  (Klingon 2 threatens
Klingon 1.)

tlhIngan wa': ahh, Habqu'mo' SoSlI' Quch, ghaH vuv Hoch 'ej quvmoH!
Klingon 1: Uhh, because your mother's forehead is so smooth, everyone
respects and honors her!

Just an idea.  Rather than forcing Klingon to mimic an English formula, try
to find the best Klingon phrases for the job.

Stardate 3311.5

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