tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 20 10:35:00 2003

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Re: qatlh vay' vInuQ :)

From: "...Paul" <[email protected]>
> You don't put any English translations into your messages, so you leave
> them as a challenge to translate.

Actually, the challenge is to respond in kind.  Sooner or later you'll be
able to answer *without translating*.

>  It's sometimes difficult to know if
> you've correctly conveyed your sentiments, or if you've made a subtle
> error.  That's why I tend to translate your words into the "least
> elegant" translation -- because then there's no doubt as to the parts of
> the grammar, both English and Klingon.

vaj muQeHmoH mughchu'be'ghachlIj 'e' vIchaw'be'.  'e' vInID.

> > A better translation would be "A logic challenger and a dissenter are
> > different."  Since Klingon doesn't use articles, you need to choose the
> > article when translating into English.
> My initial reading, I thought you might have been intending something like
> "A challenger's reasons and a dissenter's reasons are different"

That would have been /pIm qaDwI' meq QochwI' meq je/.

> -- ie.
> One offers a contrary opinion to challenge, the other to complain.  If
> that was the case, then your Klingon translation would not have been
> correct.

jIjatlhDI' jIjatlhchu' 'e' yIlaj.  ghIq jIjatlhHa'chugh HISovmoH.  motlh

> > > One thing I never liked about Klingon was that it was difficult to
> > > between a noun-noun construction and a dual-noun conjunction.  The
> > > helps, obviously.
> >
> > yISIQ.  'ej jatlhqu'lu'DI' ngeD mu'tlhegh poj.
> "Deal with it.  And as soon as one really speaks, sentence analysis will
> be easy."  qar'a'?


> vItlu'pu' net SovlaHbe' vIt Sovbe'lu'chugh.  tera'nganvaD Damughchugh
> tlhIngan DajatlhDI' vaj bIlugh 'e' wISovbej.  mISvaD bISuD Damughbe'chugh.
> "One cannot know if one is telling the truth if one does not know the
> truth.  If you translate for Terrans when you speak in Klingon, then we
> will know for certain that you are correct.  You risk confusion if you do
> not translate it."

In the above paragraph, use /bImughchugh/ and /bIjatlhDI'/.

/mISvaD bISuD/ means "You risk for the benefit of confusion."  That's
probably not what you want.  An alternative might be along the lines of
/chaq qaS mIS/ or /chaq mISlu'/.

> The other reason I translate my own stuff into "more elegant English" is
> because I know that sometimes what seems to be the right way to translate
> something on the surface is not always correct.  The original statement
> was a perfect example -- a sentence that was pretty much legal, but had
> a greatly different translation when DloraH read it than what you intended

mu'tlhegh qon SuSvaj'e'.  vIqonbe'qu' jIH'e'.

> pIj jImuj 'e' vISov.  vaj HochvaD jInub.

/nub/ means "be suspect."  The word you want is /pIH/ "be suspicious."
You're not suspicious for the benefit of all, and /pIH/ "be suspicious"
probably doesn't take an object (there's another word /pIH/ "expect" which
does), so I'd go with /vaj Hochmo' jIpIH/ "So I am suspicious because of
everything."  Another alternative, probably even better, is /vaj mupIHmoH
Hoch/ "So everything makes me suspicious."

> lughbejbe' mu'tlheghwIj 'ej
> lughbejbe' mughta'ghachwIj je.  laHwIj vIDubmeH Hol'e' Saja'chuqmoH..
> "I know I'm often wrong.  So, I'm suspicious of everything.  My sentences
> are not certain to be correct and my translations aren't certain to be
> correct either.  I start discussions of the language itself to improve
> my abilities."  (Okay, I'm really stretching thin on /Saja'chuqmoH/ -- how
> would you say "I discuss the language"?)

Actually, you're pretty close.  My pet theory has it that the sentence would
be /Hol'e' maja'chuq/ "We discuss language."  /Hol'e'/ is simply the topic
of the sentence, and thus goes before the OVS part of the sentence (just
like any other non-subject, non-object noun).  Note: you can't discuss with
yourself; /-chuq/ needs an object indicating plural subjects.  /-moH/
doesn't work in there at all.

To say "I start discussions of the language," you might say /jIHmo' Hol'e'
maja'chuqchoH/ or /Hol'e' maja'chuqchoH 'e' vIqaSmoH/.

Stardate 3300.8

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