tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 18 22:34:15 2003

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Re: Klingon CD

From: "Leah Levine" <[email protected]>
Quvar wrote:

>Does anyone have a transcript of the what gowron says at the beginning of
>The KCD?  Or is this maybe nonsense?  I haven't heard it for a while, but
>the last time I saw it, I couldn't understand a word.

It was me, who asked for the text some month ago. What about the idea to ask
Robert O'Reilly for the script. Probable he is still having a copy.
I could not believe that it is all nonsense. At least the "Qa'Hom" I have
heard. ;-)
Someone in the list told me, O'Reilly is not a klingon, nor a klingon
language student, so it is believed, he has no knowledge about what he is
doing on the CD. That was a big "compliment" from a natural born klingon.


My understanding is that Marc Okrand wasn't able to coach Robert O'Reilly in
person, but gave him detailed instructions on how to pronounce everything.
O'Reilly tried really hard to get it right, but he's an actor, not a
linguist.  He knew what he was saying, in that he had both the English and
Klingon texts to work from, but he doesn't actually know Klingon.  O'Reilly
should be given credit: he's always done his best to be authentic.

Stardate 3296.7

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