tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 02 12:20:54 2003

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Re: Use of {'ISjaH}

> > Has Okrand ever discussed the Klingon calendar at any of his appearances?

>I have been combing the web for about the last two weeks, looking for that
>information. I wanted to create a Klingon Calendar System, (or, more
>specifically, a way to convert between the two). The results of the meager
>amount of information I could find are at my website (there's a link in the
>signature, then click on "Klingon Calendar System"). It is almost entirely
>arbitrary, except for the length of a Klingon year, and (possibly), the
>length of a Klingon Day.

I didn't see these mentioned on your site (very nice, BTW!), but here is 
all we know about the Klingon calendar:

(1) In TNG "New Ground" Alexander said he was born on the "43rd day of 
Maktag".  (*{maqtagh}? is presumably the name of a Klingon month {jar}.)

(2) In DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire" Worf said that the Rotarran's mission 
began on "the 53rd day of the year of Kahless 999".  (Note that the date of 
"999" of the "Year of Kahless" - *{qeylIS DIS}? - doesn't agree with other 
mentions of Kahless, who seems to have lived either 1000 or 1500 years 
before TOS depending on the source, and has been much discussed.)

Does anyone know of any other "official" information WRT to the calendar?

Also, Okrand's comment on "Conversational Klingon" that the Klingon day is 
divided into 24 hours - by an amazing coincidence! - has also been much 
discussed.  (Obviously he was providing a system so that fans could talk 
about real-life times here on Earth.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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