tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 30 01:16:49 2002

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ghItlh "Gina Robertson" <[email protected]>:

>An apparent small sickness suddenly killed her child.
>pay' puqDaj HoH ropHomHey.

>The mother walks her children to their schools.
>Her children are walked to their schools by the mother???  
>I'm not sure about this one.
I do believe that. I didn't know that you can "walk someone"?
At least in Klingon, this verb takes no object, it describes the action of "walking" (as far as I 

On one of the tapes, there's a phrase
   tachDaq choDor'a'? 
   Will you escort me to a bar? 

Try to change this into
   "The mother escorts her children to a school"

(object: her children, verb: escort, subject: mother)

>The boys jumped in the lake.
>ngeng Sup loDHompu'
You must see the complete definition, not just a part: {Sup} v. "jump (to leap or go over)".
It's not "jump in" but "jump over".
So, after correcting the prefix (they-it: lu-) in {ngeng luSup loDHompu'}, it means "The boys jumped 
over the lake".
I'll leave this to other experts to find a way to say "jump in the lake" :-)

>They go to the city.
>luveng jaH
Now you're obviously sleeping. I know you know how it works, so I won't explain again. You just put 
the verb prefix at the noun, but the rest is all correct (right prefix, right word order):
   They go to the city.
   veng lujaH

>The baby screams for her mother.
>SoSDaj jach ghu
The word order is okay, but {jach} doesn't work like this.

You can turn the sentence into
   The baby screams *because* of her mother.
using the noun suffix#5 {-mo'} "because":
   SoSDajmo' jach ghu

>The boy made him happy.
>Quch loDHom
{Quch} "be happy"
{loDHom} "boy"
--> {Quch loDHom} "the boy is happy"

If you "make" s.o. happy, then you "cause" him to be happy. Have you read TKD section 4.2.4. "Type 4: 
Cause" already?
   "the boy causes him to be happy"
(object: "He", verb: "he causes him to be happy", subject: "the boy")

>The gunner accidently shot your mother.
>bong SoSlI' bach bahwI'
Typo: {baHwI'}
When you write the sentece like this, it means that "the gunner accidentally used your mother as a 
projectile and shot her at a target"

   TKW p146:
   pe'vIl mu'qaDmey tIbach
   Curse well!
   (shoot curses forcefully)

KGT p56 explains a little: "The verb used for 'shoot' when referring to disruptors is {bach}. 
Technically speaking, one shoots the enrgy beam from the disruptor. [...], and {nISwI' bach} is the 
common way to say "shoot a disruptor". Similarly, {pu' bach} is "shoot a phaser"

For your sentence, {HoH} "kill" get's an easy alternative:
  The gunner accidently killed your mother.
  bong SoSlI' HoH baHwI'.

You have good sentences. You always find the right vocabulary, and you do no big mistakes. Keep 
working like this, and soon you can tell us complete stories. majQa'!

Beginners' Grammarian
  ghojwI'pu'wI' vISaH

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