tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 13 05:21:54 2002

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numbers in english: a clarification

one trillion (british) = one million billion = 10e18
one thousand million (british) = one milliard = 10e9

"in the american system each of the denominations above 1,000 millions (the 
american billion) is 1,000 times the one preceding (one trillion = 1,000 
billions; one quadrillion = 1,000 trillions). 
in the british system the first denomination above 1,000 millions (the 
british milliard) is 1,000 times the preceding one, but each of the 
denominations above 1,000 milliards (the british billion) is 1,000,000 times 
the preceding one (one trillion = 1,000,000 billions; one quadrillion = 
1,000,000 trillions)" (Web.3rdNewIntDic)

yIn nI' peyIn 'ej pechep!
lay'tel SIvten

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