tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 24 21:28:14 2002

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Re: "filka" was Re: More puns in new vocab

ghItlh Agnieszka Solska Thursday, January 24, 2002,
12:30 PM
Subject: +ACI-filka+ACI- was Re: More puns in new vocab

DaH tlhIngan Hol vijatlhbe'. jIlaDlaH 'ej rut vIyaj             +AHs-:-+AHw-

+AD4-chomer+ACE- Polandngan jIH 'ach mu' +ACI-Filka+ACI- vISovbe'. not vIlegh, not vIQoy je.

You surprised me+ACE- I am Polish, but I do not know the work +ACI-Filka+ACI-. I never
saw (would +ACI-read+ACI- be better? - A+AD0-I) it, and never heard it.
Zdziwiles mie+ACE- Jestem Polka, ale nie znam slowa +ACI-Filka+ACI-. Nigdy go nie
widzialam (+ACI-czytalam+ACI- chyba byloby liepiej? - A+AD0-I), ani slychalam.

+AD4-mu' +ACI-wilga+ACI- vISov neH 'ej mu' +ACI-puchacz+ACI- vISovchu'. +ACI-eagle owl+ACI- 'oS

I know the word +ACI-wilga+ACI-, and also the word +ACI-puchacz+ACI- I certainly know. It
means +ACI-eagle owl+ACI- (okay, it means +ACI-filin+ACI- in Russian. - A+AD0-I)
Znam slowo +ACI-wilga+ACI-, rowniez slowo +ACI-puchacz+ACI- znam na pewno. Znacza +ACI-eagle
owl+ACI- (dobra, w jezyku rosyjskim to bedzie +ACI-filin+ACI- - A+AD0-I)

+AD4AIg-puchacz+ACI-. 'ach jIchIDnIS: bo'Deghmey pongmey vISovchu'be'. chaq +ACo-Mazowsze+ACo-

+ACI-puchacz+ACI- (in Polish. - A+AD0-I). However, I must admit: of course, I do not
know (bo'Deghmey - vIyajbe') names (proper?). Possibly, in the +ACI-Mazowsze+ACI-
+ACI-puchacz+ACI- (po polsku. - A+AD0-I). Jednak, mam siebie wsypac: nie wiem
(bo'Deghmey - vIyajbe') nazw (imion?). Mozliwie, w regione +ACI-Mazowsze+ACI-

+AD4-yoSDaq +ACo-puchacz+ACo-vaD +ADw-filka+AD4- ponglu'. Daj ngoDvam 'e' vItu' jIH.  chay'

area, they call +ACI-puchacz+ACI- +ACI-filka+ACI- (there follows a possible variant in
Polish. - A+AD0-I). I find this fact interesting. How
wabi sie +ACI-puchacz+ACI- +ACI-filka+ACI-. (albo zwa (oni-one, ktos, nie mam +ACI-a+ACI- z tym
haczykiem+ACE- - A+AD0-I) puchacza). Mysle, ze to jest ciekawym faktem. Jak

+AD4-mu'meyvam DaSov?

did you know these words?
zapoznales sie z tymi wyrazami?

Everything correct? Please excuse me, I will reply in English. I am still
not certain about my tlhIngan Hol, and I +AF8-hate+AF8- looking inferior (is it not
the Klingon way? - heh-heh).

The word +ACI-filka+ACI- can be heard in Olsztynskie wojewodstwo, north of Warsaw,
about halfway to the Baltic sea, and eastwards, to the Lithuanian border. I
believe my reply itself says +AF8-how+AF8- I learned the words. I simply speak the

I must admit I +AF8-did+AF8- pull your leg a wee bit+ADs- I myself suspect that Polish
local +ACI-filka+ACI- is nothing but a loan word (from Russian, of course - it is
not by chance that I heard it only there). However, it still looks a funny

By the way, WarszawaDaq jIpaw Feb 04, BerlinDaq Feb 05, ParisDaq Feb 06. pa'
tu'lu' 'Iv?


Aryeh ben Naphtali (a.k.a. Igor F.Naftul'eff)

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