tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 15 10:17:38 2002

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KLI Compilation / "The KLI's Greatest Hits"

I have some recordings of songs, etc. from several
qep'a'mey.  I have meant to work up a KLI compilation tape
for a while (and I actually got one started a few years ago,
woo), but I just got a CD burner and I thought CDs might be
a better alternative if I can make it work.  Question: what
is the best way to get the recording(s) from cassette tape
to my computer so that I can burn them onto a disc?  Years
ago I used to record things from tv to use as event sounds,
but the quality began to mysteriously degrade as time went
on, so I eventually gave up.  If anyone has any suggestions
I will be thankful for the help.

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