tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Feb 17 08:38:53 2001

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Re: Gary & Mike

At 09:39 PM 02/16/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>I've never heard of this show, but hey, it gets Klingon out there. There
>still seem to be plenty of people out there who haven't heard of Klingon,
>and it still seems to be cool.  CTV National News wants to attend my
>qepHom.  (Anyone remotely near Vancouver March 3rd?)
>As for the lines quoted, maybe they're a little mixed up with their
>jee grath choo.  	             "Fluently!"
>tinkoo khol dajata			"Holy Crap!  You speak Klingon?"
>tInqu' Hol Dajatlh
>kishlak  ee	jee vacho:		"I would love to go."
>HISlaH    ?     ??

You seem to be playing scrable with whole sentences and their translations
here.  If you rearrange them THAT much you can get them to spell anything
you want.  Once again the lines and given translations were:

		jee grath choo.  jee vacho:		"I would love to go."

		tinkoo khol dajata			"Holy Crap!  You speak Klingon?"

		kishlakee				"Fluently!"

If we're going to try to make any sense out of this at all, let's work with
what's given.  I'll listen again and see if I can clarify it at all.



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