tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 16 10:03:18 2001

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batlh yIjang!

   nughelchugh ghot, vaj batlh yIjang!

It is not unreasonable for people to have problem with mailing lists, nor
is it worthy to treat them in a dishonorable way when they ask for
assistance.  The ideals of behavior of accuracy and straightforwardness
demand a simple and direct answer.

   ghotvam Dajangchugh, neH ghotvam yIjang

If you choose to answer the person with such a problem, ONLY answer them.  
There is a FAQ, and there are instructions available in the email headers;
most people don't need to hear this discussion.  Obviously the inquirer
does.  Answer them directly, and succinctly, and respectfully - not
everyone is as smart as you are.

This group complains on occasion about Trek writers ignoring the
linguistic expertise of the Klingon Language community.  Wouldn't it be a
shame if this forum were visited by a published Star Trek novelist - and
they were dealt with in a rude and dishonorable way?  Actually, it is a
shame when it happens to anyone.

 joel anderson * * [email protected]
    **mIghghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ; roj yInej 'ej Dochvam yItlha'**
     **Depart from evil, and do good; Seek peace, and pursue it**

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