tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Feb 11 21:01:28 2001

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Re: Study Buddies

ja' Valerie:
>...Is there a source which describes some of the body language?...

It's nothing concrete.  I was talking about simple gestures that go along
with the ideas, finger-pointing to clarify which {ghaH} is being discussed,
shifts of the neck muscles that accompany emphasis, things like that.
There isn't a specific gestural vocabulary that accompanies spoken Klingon.
Each person brings his or her own culturally-unique body language with them.

>Also, I want to ensure that I am pronouncing one of the characters correctly.

If you're concerned about getting your pronunciation correct, one of the
best tools is the audiotape "Conversational Klingon" from Simon&Schuster,
narrated by Marc Okrand and Michael Dorn (emulate Marc, not Michael).  The
sounds of the Klingon "alphabet" are also available on the KLI's web site.

I believe the specific sound you're asking about is {H}.  That's made
exactly like an English "k", but with air leaking out noisily between the
tongue and the soft palate.  It sounds like the hard German "ch" as in
"Bach", or the beginning of the Hebrew word "chaim" (life), or the end of
the Scottish "loch".

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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