tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Feb 11 20:59:39 2001

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Re: Simpsons

ja' "Fiber \(Philip\)" <[email protected]>:
>There was something in one of the simpsons comics where they used klingon
>for - we can translate. I think I still have it. And they gave credit to the
>KLI probably Mark Okrand too, I forget, it was soo long ago.

maHvaD yInej.  De' vISov vIneH.

Please look for it and let us know what it was.  I don't remember hearing
anything about Klingon in a Simpsons comic book, and I do try to keep up
with things like that.

The daily comic strip Heart of the City once had a kid wearing a Darth
Vader costume saying {qatlho'}, and a single panel in a Pinky and the Brain
issue showed a group of convention Klingons with a very Qanqor-esque fellow
in the center asking {nuqDaq 'oH QI'yaH Qe'vetlh}.  The Starfleet Academy
all-Klingon issue is pretty famous around here.  But the Simpsons?  I'd
like to find out more.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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