tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Feb 11 16:27:58 2001

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K'Zhen Zu-Merz

>>From a Klingon standpoint, they aren't technically valid.  For example,
let's consider De'vID's example:
>>Personally, I would pronounce the start of the word "K'Zhen" like the
start of the word "K'Tinga," I would pronounce the "Zh" like the "s" in
"vision," and the "en" as in English or Klingon.  I would pronounce the
second word with accent on the second syllable, pronouncing the first
syllable as "zoo" and the second as "mares."  You'll notice that many
of these are not Klingon sounds.  The closest Klingon representation
might be something like {qISen SumeraS}, which obviously looks
completely different from the original name.


I'm the K'Zhen Zu-Merz in question, Gennie Summers.  I created my Klingon name before I ever saw a Klingon dictionary - back in 1989.  I wanted
other members of the club I was joining (the Klingon Strike Force) to be able to easily connect my Klingon name with my real name.

I have tried Okrandian spellings, such as QI'Sen or qI'jen but any try at Okrandizing my last name (Summers) still looks too much like the original
to suit me..
BTW your pronunciation of K'Zhen Zu-Merz is just what I intended.

rut  mughmeH ngeDbe'  pongmey  tera'gnan.

K'Zhen Zu-Merz
Gennie Summers

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