tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 09 11:43:15 2001

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Re: quraq's saying of the day

quraq wrote:
:  qoDDaq tlhe' jej'a' mIn
:  The sharper eye turns inward

Since you've removed this from KLBC, I'll comment on your grammar.

{jej'a'} means "is it sharp?"  You're confusing the augmentative NOUN suffix
{-'a'} with the interrogative VERB suffix {-'a'}.  Rephrase this as

  qoDDaq tlhe' mIn jej.
  The sharp eye turns inward.

I think this is perfectly fine as it is, but if you really want to augment
{jej} to render "sharper", we have a couple of options.

First, you could use the {A Q law' B Q puS} formula for comparing A to B in
terms of the quality Q.  First thing you need to figure out is:  What are you
comparing A (mIn) to?  I.e. sharper than what?  We could avoid being specific
and compare it to everything else {Hoch}, which results in a Klingon

  qoDDaq tlhe' mIn jej law' Hoch jej puS.
  The sharpest eye turns inward.

but this feels a little awkward.  

A second method is to use the verb suffix {-qu'} - which needn't always be
translated "very" - to emphasize {jej}:

  qoDDaq tlhe' mIn jejqu'.

I'm also not sure what it means for an eye to "turn" within.  Instead of
translating literally, consider the verbs {nej} "look for, seek, search for";
{bej} "watch"; and of course {legh} "see".  Of these, I prefer the first:

  qoDDaq nej mIn jejqu'.
  The sharper eye looks/searches within.

: This proverbs that a klingons instinct or preception is often better then 
: the eyes themselves. For in a DS9 episode Worf says a Klingon warrior knows
: when someone has the killing look, almost like an instinct.

  Duj tIvoqtaH 
  Always trust your instincts. TKD 

  DujlIj yIvoq
  Trust your instincts. TKW

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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