tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 08 15:46:52 2001

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Re: chay' cha' qech lumughlu'?

>I must say this is decidedly the least Klingon thing I've translated in a 
>very long time. Wittering, vague, indecisive and downright philosophically 
>whiny. Any warrior to utter this would be quickly cleansed from the gene 
>pool. The mystery surrounding his death would be quickly solved by removing

>all sense of abstract from his death, which would be swiftly made real.

HItIchbe'. {tlhIngan SuvwI'} vIQujbe'qu'. jIHvaD Hol Daj neH. 'ach novna'
Hol 'oHbe' tlhIngan Hol. ngoDvam vISovchu'. DaH mayajchuq'a'?

> I came up with:
> 1. {DIch mobchu' oHtaHvIS Hegh 'ej Hegh poH vISovlaHbe'chu'vIS vaj chay'
> jIvangnISneS?}

>You cannot use the verb suffix {-chu'} on a verb while it is being used 
>adjectivally. For that, you are limited to {-qu'}, {-be'} and {-Ha'}, so 


>pIq jIHeghbejmo' 'ach HeghwIj wanI' vISovbe'chu'mo' jImIS. chay' jIvangnIS?

wot {-mo'} je lumuvlu''a'?

Qapbe' {jImIS}. chaq Qap {DuH QaQ jInej}. 

> 2. {SovtaHghach SovlaH'a' SovwI'?}

>"Can the knower know the continuation of knowing?"

>ngoD vISovlaH. wa' wanI' 'oH. ngoDvam vISov 'e' vISovlaH. latlh wanI' 'oH. 
>quqlaH'a' cha' wanI'vam?

>Isn't that really what the philosophical question is asking?

qechvam maQochbe'law'.


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