tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 05 01:32:28 2001

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RE: navwIj

> > Well I've been saying for a while about translating my web site into
> > Klingon.
> On your page I read [tlhIngan jIH. jonwI' je jIH.]

Oops.  I just noticed a mistake.  That second sentence should be 
{jonwI' je jIH} shouldn't it?  {je} meaning "also" follows the verb.

> Yes, [jonwI'] is engineer, but when I first read this I saw [jon] (capture)
> with [-wI'] suffix and thought of something like "capturer", ie a bounty
> hunter.  Hehe.

MO has revealed that the word for composer (of a story, song, etc.),
{qonwI'}, means "one who records" -- as if the words, music, etc. were
somehow already existent, and the person who composes them are somehow
merely drawing them (out of the void?).  

Perhaps {jonwI'} -- which sounds similar -- works the same way.
Perhaps science/technology is somehow already existent, and the
scientist/engineer merely "captures" them.  

On the other hand, maybe it's historical.  We know that the
Hur'Iq invaded the Klingon home world.  Maybe the first Klingon
engineers literally captured their technology from the Hur'Iq
(or from whoever).

If the context isn't clear, I suppose {cham jonwI'},
{HeSwI' jonwI'}, {Ha'DIbaH' jonwI'} can describe the different
professions.  In the next sentence I said I studied {DIvI'
cham} so I guess it's pretty obvious which kind of {jonwI'}
I am.
> You also have [naD nIv vIbajmo' jIHaDtaH.]
> Shouldn't the -mo' be a -meH ?

I was going to answer that it would work either way, but then I 
looked at my English translation and I even wrote "in order to".
It's funny how words like "undoubtedly" have crept into my
writing when I write in English.  I must have thought {-meH}
and typed {-mo'}.  vItI'.  pItlh.


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