tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 28 17:09:44 2000

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RE: vIn/math (new vocab pun spoilers)

De'vID said:

> I just received the latest HolQeD.  This has probably been pointed
> out at the qep'a' SochDIch where the word was given, but the new 
> word /vIn/ "cousin" seems to be a pun.
Actually, this is the first time we've seen these words. At the qep'a'
SochDIch, Nick Nicholas requested the word "cousin". However, since Okrand
had to go ask Maltz, write his answer down, etc., we didn't actually get
this explanation of kinship terms until this issue of HolQeD.

Yep, {vIn} does seem like a pun to me. (For those who don't know, there's a
movie titled "My Cousin Vinny").
The other pun I noticed were for the words {me'} and {'IrneH}, for aunt and
uncle. ( I forget which side of the family these words refer to). If you
look at these 2 words backwards, they are Em and Henry, Dorothy's aunt and
uncle from The Wizard of Oz.

> I'm also glad to see that we can finally do basic math!  It
> seems to be pretty straightforward.  maj!
jIQochbe'. Dunqu'.

- taD

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