tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 25 12:13:41 2000

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pongwIj too (Was: Re: pronounciation)

lab Jessie
> On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, qe'San (Jon Brown) wrote:
> > Qov:  Just curiosity but did you change your tlhIngan name to Qov from
> > wovwI'  ???
>    wov    be light, bright (TKD)
>    -wI'   thing which does
>    Perhaps best translated "illuminator" -- a pun on our use of
> "brightness" for learning or intelligence?

Remember, -wI' can be "thing/one which *is*" as well as "thing/one which
If wov means "be light, bright" then wovwI' is one who is light or bright.
Perhaps "the shining" or "illuminated" would translate it.  The reason for
the name, which I believe is explained in beginnerish Klingon in one of my
first posts, is that the baby-book definition of my human name is "shining
bright with fame".  A complete translation like <noymo' wovqu'> isn't much
of a name, so I elected to take a chunk of it and be "light/bright one".  

"Illuminator" would be wovmoHwI': one that *makes* (something else) light.
The potential pun with bright as in intelligent was actually one of the
things that I didn't like about the name.  I always had to explain that it
meant "'bright one,' bright like a lamp".  



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