tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 23 06:45:36 2000

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apology for 2 {KLBC wot puS lubuSlu'taHvIS}'s

My apology for the duplicate posting on this, but I'm having an odd 
assortment of  problems with my email software since I created a 
new account. 

In this case, I thought I had sent the email Thursday night, but on 
arising Friday morning, found no copy in my COPIESTOSELF 
folder, but did find a copy still in my queued mail (in which I noticed 
a mistake in the subject line). Thinking it had not been sent (I get 
the digest version of this list), I corrected the mistake and resent it. 
Now I find it did indeed post Thursday night.

The intermittent yet variable nature of the problem I'm having, re: 
my queued email, leads me to believe there may be a bug in my 
version of PEGASUS, though I had no problem before the new 
account. I'm considering installing the software if this continues.

Again, my apology for the duplicate.  

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