tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 22 17:17:30 2000

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Reading HolQed 7.2 (how do I say "vol.7 issue 2" in Klingon?)" I 
realized that my concept of {-meH} was inaccurate: I had seen it as 
creating solely a separate clause. 

charghwI' a.k.a William Martin gives an example: {Qu'vam ta'lu'meH 
nuH lugh wIvnISlu'}. I would have interpreted this as "in order for the 
task to be accomplished, a correct weapon needs to be chosen", 
but I now perceive that, similarly to some Asian languages, 
{Qu'vam ta'lu'meH} can be a qualifier of {nuH}, changing the 
interpretation to be "a correct for-the-task-to-be-accomplished 
weapon needs to be chosen". 

The other example which charghwI' gives is {Qatlh qechvam 
vIQIjmeH Qu'} ["The for-explaining-this-idea task is difficult"], as 
opposed to {vIQIjmeH Qatlh qechvam} ["This idea is difficult for 
explaining"], which implies there is an intentional nature to the idea 
being difficult in order to benefit the explaining. While I can realize 
the difference when presented with it, I've not yet had enough 
exposure to Klingon usage to have arrived at this understanding on 
my own.

I'm sure this is not news for the people here, but for me, having 
only recently begun to study Klingon, it opens up possibilities.    

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