tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 22 10:16:39 2000

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Re: KLBC wot puS lubuSlu'taHvIS

> chay' <chel> <rar> <muv> <per> <pong> je lulo'lu'?  'e' 'anglaH'a' vay'? 
: Joseph labelled his message KLBC, but as he seems to have joined the list
: many days ago, and as he named "someone", I'll answer.  Others can add

... 'ej latlh «vay'» jIH!  FYI, here are all examples known to me of how Okrand
has used these verbs:

chel  "add"
 - [not attested in canon]

rar  "connect, attach"
 - nISwI' HIch motlh HoS Hal qengwI' naQ tIq je lurarlu'bogh 'oH
    tlhIngan nISwI' beH'e'
   The Klingon disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor,
    attached to an extended power supply stock. S14

muv  "join (physically)"
 - batlh maHeghbej 'ej yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuv. pa' reH maSuvtaHqu'.
   Then we die with honor and join our fathers in the Black Fleet...

BTW, this usage of "joining a group" agrees with how {muv} is used in the
"Startrek: The Experience" grand opening communique of 11/07/97 which Okrand
may have written for Paramount (has no one ever asked him about this?):

 - jolbogh ghom wa'DIch DamuvlaHmeH De' DaneHchugh, Se'vam yIjIHtaH!
   Stay tuned for information on how you can be among the first to
   beam aboard! STX

per  "label" 
  ["Though the verb {per} label is usually used in the sense of 
   'attach' or 'assign a name to', it can also be used for such
   notions as 'ascertain, specify, pin down.' This is not
   considered slang or idiomatic." (startrek.klingon 2/99)]
 - rep yIper!
   Ascertain the hour! Specify the hour! (i.e. "What time is it?")
   ["This is literally "Label the hour!" (st.k 2/99)]

pong  "name, call"
 - roD 'oHvaD juHqo' ponglu' neH.
   [Qo'noS] is usually referred to as simply "The Homeworld." S27

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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