tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 18 20:27:41 2000

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RE: Daj (2)

lay'tel SIvten:
> "to be interesting" is not just a verb; it's "to be" plus an adjective, 
> and the adjective happens to be a form (present participle) of the 
> transitive verb "to interest".   

> The key phrase here is "happens to be".  It's just a twist of English 
> that this adjective comes froma participle.  Klingon does not have any 
> separate verbs to express concepts that are participles in English.  
> Here's an example:
> Daj Suy - "The merchant is interesting."
> bu'vaD mIw DajchoHmoHlI' Suy - "The merchant is interesting the 
> sergeant in a helmet."

nuqjatlh?  /mIw/ is obviously a typo for /mIvDaq/.  Is the second
sentence supposed to be intentionally erroneous, to show how
even *if* /Daj/ meant "to be *interested*", you would need 
different grammar to make "to interest"?  I read it as "The 
merchant is causing the sergeant (in a helmet) to become 
interesting" -- unless the /-moH/ isn't supposed to be there.

> Is English your first language, SIvten?  The interest/be interesting
> contrast in English seems to confuse a lot of non-native speakers.  
> I don't know how many times I have heard sentences like "I am 
> interesting in swimming".  

DIvI' Hol ghojtaHbogh China-nganpu''e' law' vISov, 'ej pIj Qaghvam
I know a lot of Chinese for whom English is a second language, 
and this is a common mistake.


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