tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 10 09:10:19 2000

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Re: Life Skills You Never Knew You Had

jatlh Patrick Masterson:

quoting me:
>>The following blurb appears in the "Life Skills" section of the course
>>offerings brochure at my local community centre:
>>Yes, Klingon!  The Klingon language, as spoken by the bumpy-headed aliens
>>on Star Trek, was developed in order to add realism to the Star Trek
>>movies, and is a real, usable language.  The course will cover the sounds
>>of Klingon, grammatical structures, vocabulary, idioms, common expressions,
>>and the fictional culture that determines appropriate discourse in the
>>language.  Required text: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand.
>>Instructor: Robyn Stewart, known as Qov in the Klingon-speaking community,
>>has been involved with the Klingon language since 1988.  She has served as
>>"Beginners' Grammarian" of the Klingon Language Institute, and in 'real
>>life' is a part time librarian and flight instructor (on airplanes, not
>>Klingon Birds of Prey).
>>That's right, "Life Skills."  Perhaps as in "Get a Life"?  Now they want me
>>to do a press release.  With any luck I'll get some flying students out of
>>this, too.

> bIqID, qar'a'? bIqID choja'!
> (Okay, you're joking, right? Please say you're joking.)

For "say you are joking" you require the imperative, /yIja'/.

> tlhIngan ghojmoH DuSaQna'; qab. 'ach SaHchugh vay', ghojmeH - qabqu' jay'.
> (It's bad that a real school is offering this class; it's worse if someone 
> actually shows up for the class.)

tlhIngan Hol ghojqangchugh vay', qab'a'?  qatlh?  tlhIngan Hol DaghojlI'
SoH, qar'a'?  This particular community centre offers courses in making
paper lanterns, flirting, "journalling through self awareness", and
breakdancing for girls.  Trust me.  Klingon fits right in.  

> teH; DaH taQqu' tera' jay'.
> {It's official; this planet is now really screwed up.}

jIghojqangmoHmo' Du'uplaw''a' wanI'?  Hol lughojqangmo' latlhpu' bIbep'a'?
yIQIj.  chIch chotIchchugh, jInoD.

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