tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 24 20:01:17 1999

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The rules of {ra' voDleH}?

Could somebody please explain the rules of {ra' voDleH} for
me? (Apparently it is a klingon version of "Simon says", but
how exacly is it played? [I don't know the exact rules for
"Simon says", since they seem to differ somewhat from the
Swedish variant of the game "Goer si/goer saa" (Translates
to something like "Do this/do that".)

Could somebody please explained the rules used when playing
the {ra' voDleH} on the {qep'a'}?

/maHvatlh, 'upSala'ngan

  Zrajm C Akfohg  Tel:018-500911  Beep:0740-145753
  Uppsala, Sweden  [email protected]        ICQ:16769663    Open:0:00-24:00

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