tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 29 19:17:28 1998

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Re: opera: SIStaH

ja' muHwI':
>{SIStaH} -"it's raining"
>{SIStaH vay'} - "something is raining" (e.g. it's raining cows)
>can {SIS} be used like that?

I'm pretty sure that the second-hand report we have of how {SIS} works
tells us that the cows would be the object of the sentence, not the
subject.  As you say, Klingons are smart enough to know what is actually
doing the raining.

>The sentence is "Fire wil be raining from the sky" (Feuer wird vom Himmel
>Suggestions, comments?

{chalvo' qul SIStaH}, or as long as we're indulging in poetic imagery,
perhaps simply {qul SIStaH chal}.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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