tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 27 20:17:40 1998

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Re: opera: travel thru

>> If you're traveling through every intervening point of time at an
>> accelerated rate (in either direction), then you exist in each of
>> those moments and observers ought to be able to see you.

not true... to an extent.  to travel through time you would be traveling 
faster than light, and in order to have observers see you in every point 
in time from now to whenever, you would indeed need to accelerate 
infinitely.  There would be no stop in your acceleration.  However, to 
just travel at the speed of light, or, remove yourself from time 
completely... you would exist at all points in space simultaneously... 
just no one would see you until you got there relative to them... but 
relative to you, you would see all points in space (and time), at the 
same time (which is irrelevant).  This proves moreover, that time and 
space are irrelevant and do not exist (and thus are not required for the 
universe to maintain).  As Einstein said, "Time and space are tools used 
by our mind to put objects in relation to each other".  I know this has 
nothing to do with Klingon, Per-say... but, it is my interest, and 
apparently others.  =)



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