tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 27 19:52:26 1998

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Re: opera: travel thru

Sustel wrote:
> If you're traveling through every intervening point of time at an
> accelerated rate (in either direction), then you exist in each of
> those moments and observers ought to be able to see you.

Hoch mIsmoH janvam. qaQIjlaHchugh vaj qaHoHnIS.

Such a machine confuses everyone.
If I could explain it to you I'd have to kill you.

If I put on my writer's hat, I could generate several plausible
pseudo-scientific explanations for why you couldn't see the time
traveler or his/her machine. That wasn't the point. The point was that
several fictional explanations exist to describe the process of
traveling in time, and they invoke different kinds of metaphors, which
in turn suggest very different types of translation. My response was
intended mainly on the level of linguistics, not physics (or, more
literally, metaphysics).


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