tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 24 10:06:42 1998

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klingon opera


I'm helping a friend of mine to write a klingon opera (he's really good at
it, he already has done many operas, music is already done). I'm doing the
Klingon part (it's in german, english, chinese and klingon).

He wants me to translate a hole verse that is in future tense:
(it's about the end of the world, kind of)

--- time will collapse, klingons will get lost, they will forget about time;
the air will disappear, everything will disappear; the klingon homeworld
will cease exiisting, and so on --- (these are not the exact words)

I have no problems with the words, so don't bother with that, but how can I
make this future thing?? "...will.."

in klingon it is:
- wa'Hu' jIghung (was)
- DaH jIghung (am)
- wa'leS jIghung (will)

So is there no way to say it like the will-future??
Use of -jaj? No. perhabs {tugh}?

 H E L P !!

Qapla' quv je

Quvar muHwI'
aka Lieven L. Litaer
IKV Fek'lhr

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