tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 21 23:08:40 1998

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KLBC: interface?


chay' tlhInganDaq /interface/ vIjatlh?
How would I say /interface/ in Klingon? (as in computer interface).

/jIH/ vItu' 'ach mu'vetlh lugh 'e' jIbejbe'.
I found /jIH/ but I'm not sure it is the right word.

'ej chay' wa' mu'Daq /go back (return to a previous place)/ vIjatlh?
Also, how would I say /go back (return to a previous place)/ in one word?

ghoS pagh ghoSHa'?  This word does not seem to work because it
can mean both go ahead and go away from.  The only way to make the
distinction would be by the use of nouns.

vay' jIQaHlaH'a'?
Can anybody help me?

-=* QoreQ *=-

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  |/¯   /  _/¯ [email protected] ¯\_  \   ¯\|
  ´    |/¯¯  --Sov wISuq  wIyu'DI'--  ¯¯\|    `
       ´         -ICQ# 20242873-         `

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