tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 17 14:46:07 1998

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RE: jichu' thlIngan Hol

: On this list, we generally use abbreviations to refer to the reference
: materials, and we have a set of Klingon translations of the names we
: generally agree on. The translations generally include the word <Hol> -
: <tlhIngan> by itself can only refer to a Klingon person, not the language.
: Here's the list:
: [snip]
: Conversational Klingon (CK)
: ja'chuqmeH tlhIngan Hol    (this one is just mine)
: Power Klingon (PK)
: HoS tlhIngan Hol           (also just mine)

Personally, I've always called this tape <HoSghajmeH tlhIngan Hol>. It
parallels <ja'chuqmeH tlhIngan Hol> - which is my name for CK too - and is a
reminder of the Klingon proverb:

 vay' bIghIjlaHchugh bIHoSghaj 
 Fear is power. (TKW p. 109)

: pagh
: Beginners' Grammarian

Voragh                            "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      lis est."         Horace (Ars Poetica)

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