tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 09 10:45:38 1998

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RE: KLBC -- Glass eating!

OK: yIqIm!  yIbuS! (OK=obligatory Klingon).

The "I Can Eat Glass Project" is an project that has been around for a
couple of years - here is the link: (under invented languages they include
Klingon (though I don't know why {{:-) ))


Linkname: I Can Eat Glass Project

Here ithe lynx text version of the page:

                         [INLINE] The I Can Eat Glass Project [INLINE]
                                 Developed by [1]Ethan Mollick
                                            The Idea
   The concept of the "I Can Eat Glass" Project is simple-- to compile a list of ways to say
   the phrase "I can eat glass, it doesn't hurt me" in various languages. Pretty easy, eh?
                                         The Philosophy
   This Project is, of course, completely trivial. Still, I feel a need to justify it, so
   pick your favorite reason, or give me your suggestions by [2]email or [3]comment form:
     * The Project is based on the idea that people in a foreign country have an irresistable
       urge to try to say something in the indigenous tongue. In most cases, however, the
       best a person can do is "Where is the bathroom?" a phrase that marks them as a
       tourist. But, if one says "I can eat glass, it doesn't hurt me," you will be viewed as
       an insane native, and treated with dignity and respect.
     * The Project is a challenge to the human spirit, in much the same way as the Apollo
       Program or the Panama Canal was, except that it involves much less digging and
       slightly less spaceflight.
     * The Project is part of an attempt to procrastinate when I should be doing reading.
     * The Project is a product of the social framework in which it was created, and thus by
       studying the Project, you are truly studying Western Civilization.
     * The Project is the result of high technology in the hands of people who have no idea
       what to do with it.
                                          The Project
   The Project lists the language, the location in which it is spoken, how it would be
   written in the language (if the tongue uses the Roman alphabet), and a transliteration if
   available. Transliterations are in italics. Languages are now grouped by area. Several
   sounds have been added.
   Although not that new overall, check out the [4]"Oddities" section to see some of the
   stranger submissions. New stuff has been added!!
   Please Help! I am always looking for new languages, along with .GIFs, soundfiles, and
   comments. There are over 110 languages listed now....
                          Get the [5]full list in alphabetical order,
         or simply click on the area of the imagemap below in which you are interested.
                    [6]This is an imagemap, you can just use the links below
     [7]Asia and Oceania . [8]North and South America. [9]Europe. [10]Africa. [11]Invented
                  Computer languages can be found under "Invented Languages".
                                        How Can I Help?
   If you know any languages that are not on this list, please [12]fill out this form or, if
   you hate forms, you can [13]send me a note with the transliteration, actual text (send me
   a .gif if the language is non-Roman and it is convenient), where the language is spoken,
   and any other comments. Your name will be added to the "Thank You" list. If you would
   like, I will also include a link to your homepage. Also, if you spot any mistakes, please
   notify me. Thanks.
   [INLINE] I have now graduated, but the page lives on at its new home with the Immediate
   Gratification Players. You can still reach me at [14][email protected] Thanks!
   The ICEGP has received some.... well, honors is not the right word, perhaps recognition:
     * It was featured among the [15]Useless Pages on the World Wide Web
     * It has been listed as providing "great armchair Whorfian speculation material" by the
       [16]Humanist Discussion Group, which I think is a good thing.
     * There was a short, on-line [17]article on the Project in "Fresh Stuff," a neat e-zine.
     * It has also been reviewed by the Learning Lab section of the [18]June issue of
       Netguide magazine which gave it a coveted single star, which apparently means that it
       preferable to shoot oneself instead of seeing this page. Obviously, Netguide is a
       magazine of little class and should be avoided. [INLINE]
     * It is a teaching tool at the University of Texas-Austin!
     * Thanks for making this the #9 site on the Harvard Web. ICEGP accounts for almost half
       a percent of all traffic on the site.
     * The project has also been featured in "Yahoo" magazine! Cool, no?


   Visible links:
   2. mailto:[email protected]
  13. mailto:[email protected]
  14. mailto:[email protected]
  16. mailto:[email protected]

** joel anderson * [email protected] * [email protected]    **
****   Hegh tI, 'ej ngab tI naH, 'ach reH taHtaH joH'a'ma' mu'****
**"The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our **
** God stands forever." Isaiah 40.8 NLT** **

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