tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 02 17:15:59 1998

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RE: KLBC: vavnI' betleH

Just a formatting comment - it looks like you have some form of "smart
quotes" turned on in your mailer. It would be better if you could just use
the regular <'> character.

Also note that I'm making up the commentary as I go along, not having read
the rest.

lab K'ryntes:
> puqloDDajvaD nob nob neH vav.  ngoy'Ha' puqloDDaj.


> chaq ngoy' mojmoH nob.

You're going for "Perhaps the gift would cause him to become responsible",
yes?. This doesn't quite work, but fortunately, the solution is built in to
the grammar with <-choH>.

chaq ngoy'choHmoH nob.

> ja' vav, vavnI'lI' betleH oH' betleHvam.  
> ja' vav, batlh HarghDaq Hegh vavnI'lI'.

<Hargh> is a verb, not a noun, so you can't put <-Daq> on it. You have
several options here. For "In a great battle", you could say <may''a'Daq>.
You could also do even better and use <Hargh> as you wanted, but use it as a

batlh HarghtaHvIS Hegh vavnI'lI'.

> ja' vav, DaH batleHlIj oH'.

Do'bej puqloD. betleH pol puqloD 'e' baj 'e' vItul. 

It's <betleH>, not <batleH>, despite the actors' pronunciation to the

> batleH tlhap puqloD 'ach 'oH cha'be' ghaH.

I don't really understand what you mean by <cha'> here.

> Soj ngaSwI'mey poSmoHmeH lo'.
> tera'nganvaD betleH ngevta' ghaH.

Qo'!!! batlhHa' Heghbej puqloD jay'!

> ramvetlh, ghaHvaD nargh qeylIS qa'.
> ja' qa', ghotpu'ma' Daweb.

Should be <DawebmoH>.

> ja' qa', verengan DaDataH.  
> ngab qeylIS qa' 'ej qeylIS belHa'mo'
> verengan moj ghaH 'e' tu' puqloD.

SanDaj qotlhba' puqloD mIgh.

The last sentence is fine, but I had to read it twice to figure it out. You
might want to think about simplifying it.

majQa'! This was a very good story, and a good length for the other
beginners to practice translating.

Beginners' Grammarian

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