tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 28 13:04:18 1998

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jIchegh / more puns?

jIchegh. DuSaQ vIbuSqu'mo', jIghItlhlaHbe'. DaH DuSaQ vIbuSqu' je, 
'ach QInmey vIlaD neH 'e' DalchoH. :)
laHwIj vIDub ('e' vInID) je: *ter'eS *KLIFlash* vIlo'. QaQqu'.
'ej jIqeqqu'mo' DaH "rolling tongue-R" vIjatlhlaH je... :)

=switching to English...=

{Dal} sounds an awful lot like "dull", in fact I was watching a film, 
when suddenly someone seemed to say {Dal}. Only later I realized she 
said "dull"... :)

When I was flipping through a Swahili grammar book, I noticed a noun 
class that takes singular prefix "ji-" and plural prefix "ma-".

And puns I noticed while KLIFlashing:

{nIH}: I wonder if it's right for Klingons to steal...

{mI'}: In Dutch (maybe in English too, I don't know), a song is often 
called a "number". One can dance on one.
Another one: while reading "Life, the Universe and Everything" 
(Douglas Adams), in Slartibartfast's bitromatic ship, the numbers on 
waiter's bill pads dance.

{tlhaS}: It made me think of the English word "clash", a word I'm not 
particularly comfortable with, but which seems to be appropriate 

{qID} means joke... no kidding. :)

{loS}: wait fo(u)r. I know, this is probably just a coincidence, but 
I thought I'd mention it anyway.

After all this, I hope I didn't bore you too much, because else I'm 
probably going to {pay} for this... :)

bIQapqu'meH tar DaSop 'e' DatIvnIS

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