tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 25 06:45:57 1998

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Warriors Anthem

Greetings Qov!

You probably know about the song from the Klingon CD and one DSN episode "Qoy
qeylIS puqloD, Qoy puqbe'pu', yoHbogh..."
I've got only one single question:

Is the text on canon?
Or is this just _somebody_ who has written it down?

The reason for my question is the fact that we discussed this on the mailing
list last year and there are some minor differences between that one and the
one Eddy Fonseca posted on July 15th 1997
{SeymoHchu' mayu'} and 
{Say'moHchu' may' 'Iw}
{yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuvpa' reH maSuvtaH} and 
{yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuv pa' reH maSuvtaH}
and so on.

How serious should we take it? Can I keep teaching people the song I learned
it, or should I learn the song like on Simon&Schuster's page?? Is it canon or

{canon pagh canonbe'}  }}:-))

Lance Corporal Quvar muHwI'
IKV Fek'lhr

DaHjaj SuvwI' SoH.
bImuj. reH SuvwI' jIH.

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