tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 24 12:25:58 1998

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Re: Blood Oath

> Qapla'
> Would someone please explain what a blood oath is.

'Iplu'meH 'Iw lo'lu'chugh vaj *blood oath* 'Iplu'.

A blood oath is an oath sworn in blood, i.e. the swearer(s) cut 
themselves or otherwise extract their blood to demonstrate the 
sincerity of their commitment. The blood might be used to ink a 
document ("signed in blood" is an English expression for an 
uncomfortably binding contract, and is in the literary tradition of 
pacts with the devil), allowed to fall on a designated oath stone, 
exchanged with other parties to the oath, or otherwise used in a 

Swearing in blood, like swearing on a sacred text, is considered in 
some cultures to increase the likelihood of the oath being kept.

Sometimes a sincere oath is referred to as a blood oath even when no 
blood was shed in its swearing.

tlhIngan Hol qelbe'mo' qechvam, wIqelmeH tlhIngan Hol wIlo'nIS.

- Qov

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