tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 22 22:34:25 1998

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Re: Some Help Please

At 05:50 98-03-22 -0800, Kevin wrote:
}could you tear them apart for me so i can see how it is acutally put

Hmm, well you really need the dictionary for the full explanation, because
I'm not going to copy it out here, but this will give you a taste.  Try
asking in a second hand bookstore for TKD: they're rare but people do
occasionally sell them.

}>}How do you say
}>}It is a good day to die
>Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

Hegh - die (v)
-lu' - indefinite subject, [it isn't specified WHO it's a good day to die
for, it's just a good day for *someone* to die.]
-meH - purpose: the main sentence is for the purpose of this clause

So: {Heghlu'meH} for the purpose of [someone] dying

QaQ - be good (v)

jaj - day (from dawn to dawn) (n)
-vam - this

So: {jajvam} this day

Note that the subject of the sentence {jajvam} goes *after* the verb, and
the purpose clause goes before the main clause.  Both are necessary.

}>}He died an honorable death
}>batlh Hegh

This one consists of an adverb {batlh} - "honourably, with honour" and the
verb {Hegh}.  Note that Klingon does not have tense.  {batlh Hegh} means "he
died honourably,"  "he dies honourably" or "he will die honourably."  In
fact the subject could be he, she, it or they.  If context doesn't make it
clear, you'll need to use the warrior's name.  The subject of a verb is
indicated by a prefix on the verb, but the prefix for he/she/it/they is the
same: no prefix.  

Get the book.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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