tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 21 13:05:59 1998

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Re: tlhIngan Hogh

At 16:21 98-03-19 -0800, Michael or Enilce De Ramo  wrote:
}Hello all-
}	What makes a Klingon week {Hogh} different from a terran week?
}	juplI'

We don't know.  We know that a Terran week consists of seven days, beginning
and ending with one non-business day (in countries that start the week on
Sunday, mainly English speaking) or ending in two non-business days (in
countries that begin the week on Monday).  Some countries don't observe two
non-business days in a week.  We have no idea how many days in a Klingon
week, which of them are business days, if they have traditional days of
rest, or where they would come in the week.  We can use the word {Hogh} to
refer to our week, sort of the way we can use the word "sabbath" to refer to
Saturday or Sunday or any other day of rest, but unless context is clearly
defined, it can lead to confusion.

rut qay'be' De' wISovbogh.  qay' De' wIHutlhbogh.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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