tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 06 19:06:50 1998

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Re: qacheghlu'

This seems to be private correspondence that made its way to the list, so
I'll leave it to the addressee to answer.

At 11:41 98-03-06 -0800, beHwI"av wrote:
}You wrote:
}>Hi David,
}Hello Alan Anderson,
}>ja' beHwI"av:
}>>*KlI* qachegh...ghojwI' qaQaQbe'!
}>qaqawbej.  bIDachtaHvIS Sablaw'pu' laHlIj.
}	DaH tlhIngan Hol vIghojlI'. jIHeghbe'chugh.
}	qajachmeH! (c;
}	HIja'.
}>>beHwI"av says he's back from the dead. (c;}}}
}>bIHeghHa'ta''a'?  Huj.
}	HIja'. batlh jISuvtaH. meQta' qabwI'.
}	'engmey tlhIch jorchoH qul.
}	pIj mujoy'ta'.
}	Yes. Honorably I fought. My face burned.
}	Fire exploded into clouds of smoke. (Sure this a wrong way to
}use {-choH}. And is {'engmey tlhIch} correct?)
}	I was tortured often.
}>nuv jubHa' vIDoHlI'...
}	HeghtaHHa'ghachwI' jIH (c;
}(I'm undead.)
}>>qul waQ ghaytan Heraj
}>chaq yablIj waQ poH nI'.
}	chaq?
}	HIja'!
}>-- ghunchu'wI'
}ghaytan Heraj waQ qul
}Likely fire obstructs your course.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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