tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 04 12:01:48 1998

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Re: English - thlIngan - german

Lothar writes:
> nuqneH Qov
>> I don't want to see our small language community fragmented 
>> along national lines.
> Nor do I.
> My intention is to provide a forum for people (like me) who don't 
> have the ability to do their first steps in tlhIngan Hol by using 
> English bases. My list is not ment as a rival to the KLI - it is 
> intended to be an addition!

My kneejerk response means "Hey, KLI, we didn't respond 
properly to the publication of German DKW!" It isn't a 
criticism of your list.  Do whatever it takes to help Germans to 
speak Klingon.  I believe that someone who speaks English a quarter 
as well as you do should be on this list, but I've never tried to 
learn a language in a third language.

> The reason I posted my mail is because I think it is neccessary to
> keep in close touch with KLI as "high court" concernig matters of
> tlhIngan Hol. Therefore there must be german people using BOTH 
> lists.

DIch 'oH.

>Speaking of correcting:

>>If you make something else take form, use the
>>{-moH} suffix {tlhIngan Hol De' QaywI' vIchenchoHmoH} - "I begin to
>>build a Klingon language server."
>You mean:"I cause the server to be build"??
>Did I get this right?

If you want to include the word "cause" in the definition, then "I 
cause the server to be built" (that's an irregular past 
participle in English, not a problem with your Klingon) or "I 
cause the server to take form."  The important thing is that if the 
subject is the thing that gets built, you use {chen} but if the 
subject is the builder, you use {chenmoH}.  {chen ghom} - a group 
forms.  {ghom wIchenmoH} - We form a group. 

Compare with:

jIQoy - I hear
muQoymoH - he causes me to hear

Doy'choH puq - "The child gets tired." or "The child tires."
puq Doy'moH tuj - "The heat makes the child tired."  or "The heat 
tires the child."

>>}- ... das klingonische Sprachinstitut?
>>}Bisher die Idee, ein deutsches Pendant zum amerikanischen "Klingon
>>}Language Institute" zu schaffen. Ebenfalls mit einer Mailinglist 
>>} Herzstueck. - the "Klingonisches Sprachinstitut"? Yet, the 
>>}idea to create a german version of the klingon language 
>>}institute. Also with a mailinglist as its "heart".
>>The Klingon Language Institute attempts to be international, not an
>>American institute, but as a Canadian who is a member of other
>>US-based international organizations, I understand the desire for
>>something not so dominated by American thought and American
>You say, I should change the name?

I wasn't saying that, but maybe it would be less confusing.  Does
Klingonisches Sprachinstitut mean the same thing as Klingon Language 
Institute? Maybe it makes sense for the KLI to have a German branch, 
now that we have DKW. Maybe I should shut up for a bit and let 
someone else respond to this thread. :)

>>I strongly believe that this list and HolQeD should accept
>>submissions in languages other than Klingon and English.
>I hope they do... 
We will see. 

- Qov.

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