tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 04 11:11:21 1998

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Re: English - thlIngan - german

 nuqneH Qov

>I don't speak German.  I would skip the German parts of the posts, but I
>don't want to see our small language community fragmented along national
Nor do I.
My intention is to provide a forum for people (like me) who don't
have the ability to do their first steps in tlhIngan Hol by using
english bases.
My list is not ment as a rival to the KLI - it is intended to be
an addition!

I like the idea of people all over the world using tlhIngan Hol
to communicate without beeing practiced in english, neccessarily.

Sure, you're right: the tlhInagn Hol-community shall not be split 
into little fragments! But, I think it should be held together by 
its heart: Hol.

The reason I posted my mail is because I think it is neccessary to
keep in close touch with KLI as "high court" concernig matters
of tlhIngan Hol. Therefore there must be german people using
BOTH lists.

>I personally welcome on-topic posts in any language, and will try hard to
>answer or find someone to answer KLBCs in any language.
I don't think of it as useful, having italian or swedish language here.

>Speaking of correcting:

>}tlhInganHolDe'QaywI' vIchentaH
>This is so obviously written by a German speaker I have to smile.  
Fixing cloaking device...  ;-)

>If you make something else take form, use the
>{-moH} suffix {tlhIngan Hol De' QaywI' vIchenchoHmoH} - "I begin to build a
>Klingon language server."
You mean:"I cause the server to be build"??
Did I get this right?

>}Anyone is invited honorably!
>}batlh yISuchlu'
>The "indefinite" subject indicated by {-lu'} clashes with the "you" subject
>inditated by {yI-}.
>batlh yISuch! "Visit it honourably!"
>yISuchneS! "Do me the honour of visiting it."
>batlh Suchlu'jaj!  "May it be visited with honour."

>Or {ghoghoS} if there is more than one of you on the list.

>}- ... das klingonische Sprachinstitut?
>}Bisher die Idee, ein deutsches Pendant zum amerikanischen "Klingon
>}Language Institute" zu schaffen. Ebenfalls mit einer Mailinglist als 
>}- the "Klingonisches Sprachinstitut"?
>}Yet, the idea to create a german version of the klingon language
>}institute. Also with a mailinglist as its "heart".
>The Klingon Language Institute attempts to be international, not an American
>institute, but as a Canadian who is a member of other US-based international
>organizations, I understand the desire for something not so dominated by
>American thought and American assumptions.  
You say, I should change the name?

>I believe that you have more to lose by separating yourselves from the
>English-speaking Klingon speakers than you have to gain by having a separate
>German-based institute.  By all means, unite German Klingon-speakers, but
>don't separate yourselves. 
I started in Khemorex Klinzhai (greatest, aeh... largest german language
based KlingonFanClub!), now spreading over german klingon newsgroups to 
get people together who want to practice and use Hol without neccessarily
having to use english. I already said that...

>I strongly believe that this list and HolQeD should accept submissions in
>languages other than Klingon and English.
I hope they do... 

It has just begun... let's see what is out there!
(it even might become a flop)    


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